Safety LED sign display is related to workspace accident prevention signage series which with highlighting the accident data, it contributes incisively to raise awareness among professionals with respect to security issues in the workplace. On the other hand it promotes the security managers to implement all the measures used for prevention of accidents and other professionals to pay more attention on the work done in order to avoid injury to themselves and others.

The use of this kind of LED displays are ideal in situations where the employees are exposed to particular risks, but it may be advantageous even where there is a reduced risk, because in addition to performing it’s duties as accident prevention, it contributes to strengthening the image of companies that want to present themselves as adherents to the principles of "corporate social responsibility" that provide for the note also particular attention to the issue of safety at work.

Safety-Display can be installed both in indoor and outdoor with the ability to show the safety graphic videos, date of last accident, days without accident, record of days without accident and any other data that requested by customer requirements. The outdoor LED signs have the protection level of IP54 against environment conditions and utilizes very bright LED displays which make them readable even under peak sunlight.